The Brown Company Blog

Resolving Aeration Challenges: The Power of Shock Absorber Bags

Written by The Brown Company | Jun 4, 2024 1:57:47 PM


Discover ways in which aeration issues can arise in twin-tube suspension systems and how to proactively prevent it from happening.

Understanding Aeration Issues in Twin-Tube Suspension Systems

Aeration problems can arise in twin-tube suspension systems, causing various challenges for industries. These issues often occur when air gets trapped in the hydraulic fluid, leading to a decrease in performance and efficiency. The presence of air bubbles can result in aeration noise, reduced damping force, and inconsistent suspension performance. It is crucial to understand these aeration issues to find effective solutions.

One of the main causes of aeration in twin-tube suspension systems is cavitation. Cavitation occurs when the hydraulic fluid experiences rapid pressure changes, causing the formation and collapse of air bubbles. This phenomenon can be triggered by factors such as extreme temperature variations, high fluid flow rates, or improper installation of suspension components.

Understanding the specific aeration issues in twin-tube suspension systems is essential for implementing appropriate solutions. By addressing these challenges, industries can enhance the performance and longevity of their suspension systems.

The Role of Shock Absorber Bags

Shock absorber bags play a crucial role in resolving aeration problems in various industries. These bags are designed to eliminate or minimize the presence of air bubbles in the hydraulic fluid, ensuring optimal suspension performance. 

The main function of a shock absorber bag is to provide a barrier between the hydraulic fluid and the surrounding air. It acts as a reservoir, allowing any trapped air to escape while preventing additional air from entering the system. This ensures that the hydraulic fluid remains free from aeration, promoting smooth and reliable suspension operation.

Shock absorber bags are designed to be resistant to corrosion, abrasion, and high pressures. Additionally, shock absorber bags can be customized to fit different suspension system configurations, ensuring a precise and effective solution for aeration problems.

If your twin-tube suspension application is suffering from low performance as a result of cavitation, reach out to the Brown Company experts today!